| Matthew H. Adler | Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders, LLP | Pennsylvania | 001 215.981.4802 | matt.adler@troutman.com | |
| Susan Ahern SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 7753 | susan.ahern@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Aidan Eames | ClarkHill | Dublin | +353 1 661 3960 | aeames@clarkhill.com | |
| Aisling Marron | Walkers | Dublin | +353 1 470 6685 | Aisling.Marron@Walkersglobal.com | |
| Alan O’Sullivan | Maples Group | Dublin | +353 1 619 2060 | Alan.OSullivan@maples.com | |
| Alexander Slade | Mishcon De Reya LLP | London | +44 20 3321 7370 | alexander.slade@mishcon.com | |
| Alexey Drobyshev | Sumsub | Cyprus | | alexey.drobyshev@sumsub.com | |
| Angelyn Rowan | Philip Lee | Dublin | +353 1 237 3739 | arowan@philiplee.ie | |
| Aonghus McClafferty | Eversheds Sutherland | Dublin | +353 1 6644225 | aonghusmcclafferty@eversheds-sutherland.ie | |
| Ravi Aswani | 36 Stone | London | +44 20 7440 6900 | raswani@36stone.co.uk | |
| Margaret Austin | Addleshaw Goddard (Ireland) LLP | Dublin | +353 1 202 6434 | m.austin@aglaw.com | |
| Matthew Austin | Hayes Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 662 4747 | maustin@hayes-solicitors.ie | |
| Ross Aylward BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 624 2401 | raylward@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Erin B. McHugh | AlixPartners | London | +44 7387 124 546 | emchugh@alixpartners.com | |
| Richard Bamforth | CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP | London | +44 20 7067 3641 | Richard.Bamforth@cms-cmno.com | |
| Gordon Barry | | Dublin | + 353 87 238 0684 | gbarry@adjudication.eu | |
| Brian Barry | Kroll | London | +44 207 836 0158 | brian.barry@kroll.com | View full profile
| Noel Barry | Kroll | Dublin | +353 86 335 1168 | noel.barry@kroll.com | |
| Mary E. Bartkus | Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP | New York | +1 212 837 6736 | mary.bartkus@hugheshubbard.com | |
| Bella Chan | DLA Piper | UK | +441512374867 | Bella.Chan@dlapiper.com | |
| Benjamin K.E Ross | Vanhooft Legal | Paris | +33 6 79 78 54 08 | benjamin.ross@vanhooft-legal.com | |
| Benoit Keane | Keane Legal Srl | Belgium | + 32 2 642 0000 | benoit.keane@keanelegal.com | |
| Bernadette Barker | Barker Consultants | London | 0044 20 8874 7000 | bernadette@barkerconsultants.com | |
| Richard Breen | William Fry | Dubin | +353 1 639 5378 | richard.breen@williamfry.com | |
| Brian Cunneen | Whitney Moore LLP | Dublin | +353 (0)1 611 0000 | Brian.Cunneen@whitneyMoore.ie | |
| Brian W. Murphy | Leahy Reidy Solicitors LLP | Limerick | +353 61 221800 | bm@leahyreidy.ie | |
| Amy Brick | McCann FitzGerald | Dublin | +353-1-511 1558 | amy.brick@mccannfitzgerald.com | |
| Niall Buckley BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 86 222 1833 | nb@niallbuckley.ie | |
| Patricia Burke BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 260 0277 | patricia.burke@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Ruth Byrne KC | King & Spalding | London | +44 20 7551 7524 | rbyrne@kslaw.com | |
| Charlie Caher | WilmerHale | London | + 44 20 7872 1633 | charlie.caher@wilmerhale.com | |
| Jill Callanan | LK Shields Solicitors LLP | Ireland | +353 1 661 0866 | jcallanan@lkshields.ie | |
| Campbell Wareham | Guernica 37 Chambers | London | +44 203 597 7130 24 | camwareham@outlook.com | |
| Caoilfhionn Ní Chuanacháin | Addleshaw Goddard (Ireland) LLP | Dublin | +353 1 202 6501 | C.NiChuanachain@aglaw.com | |
| Caoimhe Clarkin | DLA Piper Ireland | Dublin | +353 1 436 5483 | caoimhe.clarkin@dlapiper.com | |
| Michael W Carrigan | M W Carrigan | Dublin | + 353 (0) 86 260 0041 | michael@mwcarrigan.com | |
| Philippe Cavalieros | Simmons & Simmons | Paris | +331 5329 1692 | philippe.cavalieros@simmons-simmons.com | |
| Barrett Chapman | McCann FitzGerald | Dublin | +353-1-607 1480 | barrett.chapman@mccannfitzgerald.com | |
| Dr. M.Jamal Chaykhouni | Almarsat Project Development | Dubai | +971 506 459 173 | ceo@almarsat.com | |
| Cian Kelly BL | | Dublin/Limerick | + 353 61-408 859 | cpkelly@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Clare Cashin | Philip Lee | Dublin | +353 1 237 3751 | ccashin@philiplee.ie | |
| Brian Clarke | Maples Group | Dublin | +353 1 619 2042 | Brian.Clarke@maples.com | |
| Claudia Silva Battagin | Demarest Advogados | Sao Paulo/Brazil | +353 896032223 | silvabac@tcd.ie | |
| James T. Coleman | Goldman Ismail Tomaselli Brennan & Baum LLP | Chicago | +1 312 881 5976 | jcoleman@goldmanismail.com | |
| Anne Collins | Clifford Chance | London | +44 20 7006 5626 | anne.collins@cliffordchance.com | |
| Michael Collins SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 4388 | mcollins@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Tom Comerford | Diales Expert Witness services (Quantum) | London | +44 (0)20 7377 0005 | tom.comerford@diales.com | |
| Éamonn Conlon SC | | Dublin | +353 1 422 9690 | eamonn@conlon.law | |
| R Craig Connal KC | RCCKC Arbitration | Scotland | +44 7767 441623 | RCCKC@protonmail.com | |
| Conor Linehan | William Fry | Dublin | +353 1 639 5396 | conor.linehan@williamfry.com | |
| Shawn C. Conway | Conway Arbitration B.V. | Rotterdam | | conway@conwayarbitration.com | |
| Marcus Daly SC | Kings Chambers | Dublin/London | 0044 161 832 9082 | MDalysc@kingschambers.com | |
| Damian P. Clancy | School of Law, University of Limerick | Limerick | 085 772 4514 | d.clancy70@gmail.com | |
| Damien Young | Philip Lee | Dublin | +353 1 237 3716 | dyoung@philiplee.ie | |
| Daniel Hayward | Fieldfisher | London | +44 330 460 6604 | daniel.hayward@fieldfisher.com | |
| Danyal Ibrahim | Dispute Resolute | Dublin | +353 86 8257433 | dibrahim@disputeresolute.ie | |
| Darach Connolly | DLA Piper Ireland | Dublin | +35 314 876 667 | darach.connolly@dlapiper.com | |
| Daragh Brehony | Pérez-Llorca | Madrid | +34 91 423 47 39 | dbrehony@perezllorca.com | |
| Darryl Broderick | RDJ LLP. | Ireland | +353 21 4802767 | darryl.broderick@rdj.ie | |
| David Casserly SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 4433259 | dcasserly@lawlibrary.ie | |
| David Coyne | Diales | Paris | +33 (0) 6 62 12 47 33 | David.Coyne@diales.com | |
| David Freeman | DAC Beachcroft Dublin | Dublin | +353 (0)1 588 2558 | dfreeman@dacbeachcroft.com | |
| David Herlihy SC | A&O Shearman | Dublin | +44 20 3088 2837 | david.herlihy@aoshearman.com | |
| David Roney | SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP | Switzerland | D +41 22 308 00 44 | droney@sidley.com | |
| Declan Walsh | RSM Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 4362909 | dwalsh@rsmireland.ie | |
| Peter Dennehy BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 216 1937 | peter.dennehy@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Derarca Dennis | EY | Dublin | +353 1 221 1675 | Derarca.Dennis@ie.ey.com | |
| Dermot Flanagan SC | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 86 252 0112 | dermot@flano.ie | View full profile |
| Dermot G. Malone | FMS-SG | Dublin | +353 86 821 9904 | dermotgmalone@gmail.com | |
| Dermot McEvoy | Eversheds Sutherland | Dublin | +353 1 6644 238 | dermotmcevoy@eversheds-sutherland.ie | |
| Noel Devins | Kennedys | Ireland | +353 (1) 482 5713 | noel.devins@kennedyslaw.com | |
| Barbara Dohmann KC | Blackstone Chambers | London | +44 20 7583 1770 | BarbaraDohmann@blackstonechambers.com | |
| Donal O’Loinsigh | ClarkHill | Dublin | +353 1 661 3960 | doloinsigh@clarkhill.com | |
| Donald F. Donovan | Arbitration Chambers | New York | +1 646 828 9292 | donald.donovan@arbchambers.com | |
| John Doyle | Dillon Eustace | Dublin | +353 1 673 1786 | john.doyle@dilloneustace.ie | |
| Dr Yagmur Hortoglu | Maynooth University Law Department | Kildare | +353 89 483 7648 | yagmur.hortoglu@mu.ie | |
| Austin Duffy | Kroll | London | +44 207 836 0158 | austin.duffy@kroll.com | View full profile |
| Nicola Dunleavy | Matheson | Dublin | +353 1 232 2033 | nicola.dunleavy@matheson.com | |
| Mark J Dunne | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 1 5589900 | mark.dunne@3arransquare.com | |
| Stuart Dutson | Simmons & Simmons | London | +44 20 7825 4101 | stuart.dutson@simmons-simmons.com | |
| Edel Hargaden | O’Connell Brennan LLP | Dublin | +353 87 4128243 | edel@oconnellbrennan.ie | |
| Emily Egan McGrath BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 879 4032 | emily@emilyeganmcgrath.ie | |
| Eimear Collins | Philip Lee | Dublin | +353 1 584 0659 | ecollins@philiplee.ie | |
| Elaine White | Ogier | Dublin | +353 1 237 3081 | Elaine.White@ogier.com | |
| Elizabeth Burke | ClarkHill | Dublin | +353 1 661 3960 | eburke@clarkhill.com | |
| Emmanuel Foy | Derains & Gharavi | Paris | + 33 1 40 55 51 00 | efoy@derainsgharavi.com | |
| Jeremy Erwin | Hayes Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 662 4747 | jerwin@hayes-solicitors.ie | |
| Laura Fannin | Hayes Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 662 4747 | lfannin@hayes-solicitors.ie | |
| Eoin Fannon BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 6802 | eoin.fannon@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Harry Fehily | Holmes O'Malley Sexton | Dublin/Limerick | +353 61 445512 | Harry.Fehily@homs.ie | |
| Declan Fitzgerald | Kroll | Dublin | +44 207 836 0158 | declan.fitzgerald@kroll.com | |
| Moira Flahive BL | Tha Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 5927 | mflahive@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Louis Flannery KC | Littleton Chambers | London | 0044 20 7797 8600 | clerks@littletonchambers.co.uk | |
| Vincent Fogarty | Diales Expert Witness services (Technical & Quantum) | London | +44 (0)20 7377 0005 | vincent.fogarty@diales.com | |
| Frank Dunne | RSM Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 2733406 | fdunne@rsmireland.ie | |
| Gemma Freeman | Dentons | Dublin | 01 582 8122 / 087 380 8509 | gemma.freeman@dentons.com | |
| John Gaffney | Al Tamimi & Company | Abu Dhabi | +971 2 813 0444 | J.Gaffney@tamimi.com | |
| Paul Gallagher SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 660 6195 | psa@paulgallagher.ie | |
| John L. Gardiner | Skadden | New York | +1 212 735 2442 | john.gardiner@skadden.com | |
| Paul Gardiner SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 5075 | pgardiner@lawlibrary.ie | View full profile
| Gary Comerford | Kroll | Dublin | +353 1 428 3114 | gary.comerford@kroll.com | |
| Gerald Byrne | Philip Lee | Dublin | +353 1 584 0601 | gbyrne@philiplee.ie | |
| Paula Gibbs | A & L Goodbody | Ireland | | paulagibbs1@googlemail.com | |
| Lee Gluyas | CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP | London | +44 20 7524 6283 | lee.gluyas@cms-cmno.com | |
| Lord Goldsmith KC, PC | Debevoise & Plimpton LLP | London | +44 20 7786 9088 | phgoldsmith@debevoise.com | View full profile |
| John Gordon SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 872 6544 | jgordon@johngordonsc.com | |
| Gráinne Murphy | ByrneWallace | Dublin | +353 1 691 5000 | gmurphy@byrnewallace.com | |
| Greg Falkof | Mishcon De Reya LLP | London | +44 20 3321 7724 | greg.falkof@mishcon.com | |
| Stephen Hanaphy | The Law Library | Dublin | + 353 87 952 9309 | stephen.hanaphy@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Colleen Hanley | Twenty Essex | London | +44 (0)20 7842 1200 | chanley@20essexst.com | |
| Ted Harding BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 230 6740 | hardingt@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Heidi Walsh | Howard Kennedy LLP | London | +44 20 3321 6173 | heidi.walsh@howardkennedy.com | |
| Bill Holohan | Holohan Lane Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 872 7120 | bill@holohanlaw.ie | |
| Michael Howe | WilmerHale | London | +44 20 7872 1032 | michael.howe@wilmerhale.com | |
| Hugh Mohan SC | The Law Library | Dublin | 01-817 4563 | hmohan@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Anthony Hussey | Hussey Fraser | Dublin | +353 1 668 1966 | ahussey@husseyfraser.com | |
| Gerard H. James | William Fry | Dublin | +353 1 489 6460 | gerard.james@williamfry.com | |
| James Freeman | Allen & Overy LLP | London | +44 20 3088 2496 | james.freeman@allenovery.com | |
| James Neill | KPMG | Belfast | +44 7794 444115 | james.neill@kpmg.ie | |
| Janet Walker | Toronto Arbitration Chambers | Toronto | +61 2 9137 6652 | janet@janet-walker.com | |
| Jarleth Heneghan | William Fry | Dublin | +353 1 639 5252 | jarleth.heneghan@williamfry.com | |
| Jennifer Noctor | RDJ LLP. | Ireland | +353 21 2332839 | jennifer.noctor@rdj.ie | |
| Joe Matthews | Joseph M. Matthews, P.A. | Miami / Washington, D.C | +1 305.761.2323 | joseph@jmatthews-pa.com | View full profile |
| John A. Pappalardo | Farber, Pappalardo & Carbonari | New York | +1 (914) 761-9400 ext. 25 | johnp@pappalardoesq.com | |
| John J. Buckley, Jr. | Williams & Connolly LLP | Washington, DC | +1 202 434 5051 | jbuckley@wc.com | |
| John McElroy | Fieldfisher LLP | London | | John.McElroy@fieldfisher.com | |
| Doug Jones AO | Doug Jones | Sydney | +61 2 9137 6652 | dougjones@dougjones.info | View full profile |
| Joseph Sallabi | Sallabi Law Office | Dublin | +353 1 231 4645 | joseph@sallabilawoffice.com | |
| Julian Wilkins | New Media Law LLP | London | 0044 7747621643 | julian@julianwilkins.net | View full profile |
| Julie-Anne Binchy | DAC Beachcroft Dublin | Dublin | +353 (0)1 231 9636 | jabinchy@dacbeachcroft.com | |
| Mark Kane | KGI | Galway | +353 91 442277 | office@constructionandlegal.com | |
| Karen Gallagher | Pinsent Masons | Dublin | +353 1 553 8625 | karen.gallagher@pinsentmasons.com | |
| Karyn Harty | Dentons | Dublin | Tel +353 1582 8123 | karyn.harty@dentons.com | |
| Katherine Gillespie | KPMG | Dublin | + 353 87 050 4734 | katherine.gillespie@kpmg.ie | |
| Keith Hyland | Walkers | Dublin | +353 1 863 8532 | Keith.Hyland@Walkersglobal.com | |
| Keith Kelliher | Kelliher & Associates | Dublin | +353 1 442 4624 | kkelliher@adjudicator.ie | |
| Joe Kelly | A&L Goodbody | Dublin | +353 1 649 2429 | jkelly@algoodbody.com | |
| Kevin Kelly | McCann FitzGerald | Dublin | +353-1-607 1205 | kevin.kelly@mccannfitzgerald.com | |
| Brian Kennedy SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 872 9488 | brian@bkennedy.ie. | |
| Hugh Kennedy | Kennedys | Ireland | +353 (1) 878 0055 | hugh.kennedy@kennedyslaw.com | |
| Siobhan Kenny | Addleshaw Goddard (Ireland) LLP | Dublin | +353 1 202 6506 | S.Kenny@aglaw.com | |
| Cathrina Keville BL | Law Library, Four Courts | Dublin | +353 86 233 6183 | ckeville@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Kevin Huber | LALIVE | London | +44 20 3880 1540 | khuber@lalive.law | |
| Kevin O’Gorman | Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP | Houston | +001 713 651 3771 | Kevin.ogorman@nortonrosefulbright.com | |
| Killian Dorney | Beale & Co LLP. | Dublin | +353 (0) 1 536 9629 | k.dorney@beale-law.com | |
| Killian O’Reilly | Fieldfisher | Ireland | +353 1 828 0635 | killian.oreilly@fieldfisher.com | |
| Michael King | Diales Expert Witness services (Quantum) | Glasgow | +44 (0)141 442 0300 | michael.king@diales.com | |
| Kirby Tarrant | ClarkHill | Dublin | +353 1 661 3960 | ktarrant@clarkhill.com | |
| Rory Kirrane | Mason, Hayes & Curran | Dublin | +353 1 614 5273 | rkirrane@mhc.ie | |
| Konrad Rodgers | Enyo Law | London | +44 (0) 20 3837 1699 | Konrad.rodgers@enyolaw.com | |
| Laragh Lee | ICC International Court of Arbitration | Paris | +33 (0)1 49 53 29 88 | Laragh.LEE@iccwbo.org | |
| Larry Fenelon | Ogier | Ireland | +353 1 639 3110 | larry.fenelon@ogier.com | |
| Laurence Doering | Allen & Overy LLP | London | +44 20 3088 5380 | laurence.doering@allenovery.com | |
| Darren Lehane BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 7697 | dlehane@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Edward K. Lenci | Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP | New York | 001 212 471 6212 | elenci@hinshawlaw.com | View full profile |
| Patrick Leonard SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 2725 | pleonard@lawlibrary.ie | View full profile |
| David Lewis KC | 20 Essex Street | London | +44 20 7842 1200 | dlewis@20essexst.com | |
| Carla Lewis | Clifford Chance | London | 0044 207 006 4323 | carla.lewis@cliffordchance.com | |
| Lisa Broderick | DAC Beachcroft Dublin | Dublin | +353 (0)1 231 9683 | lbroderick@dacbeachcroft.com | |
| Lisa Carty | Pinsent Masons | Dublin | +353 1 553 8680 | lisa.carty@pinsentmasons.com | |
| Louise O’Reilly | DAC Beachcroft Dublin | Dublin | +353 (0)123 19634 | loreilly@dacbeachcroft.com | |
| Lucia Raimanova | Allen & Overy LLP | London | +421 2 5920 2470 | lucia.raimanova@allenovery.com | |
| Simon MacAllister | EY | Dublin | +353 1 221 2611 / +353 86 830 4580 | Simon.MacAllister@ie.ey.com | |
| Stuart Macdougald-Denton | Diales Expert Witness services (Technical) | London | +44 (0)20 7377 0005 | Stuart.Macdougald-Denton@diales.com | |
| Marcus Walsh | DLA Piper Ireland | Dublin | +353 1 487 6651 | marcus.walsh@dlapiper.com | |
| Marguerite Seymour | Holmes | Limerick | 061 445564 | Marguerite.seymour@holmeslaw.ie | |
| Maria Edgeworth | Ogier | Dublin | +353 1 232 0282 | Maria.Edgeworth@ogier.com | |
| Marianne Lonergan | RDJ LLP. | Ireland | +353 21 4802728 | marianne.lonergan@rdj.ie | |
| Mark Healy | Holmes | Limerick | 061 445544 | Mark.healy@holmeslaw.ie | |
| Mark McCloskey | Debevoise & Plimpton LLP | London | +44 20 7786 5442 | mmccloskey@debevoise.com | |
| Mark Wearen | Kroll | Dublin | | mark.wearen@kroll.com | |
| Siobhan Marry | Eversheds Sutherland | Dublin | +353 1 644 1454 | siobhanmarry@eversheds-sutherland.ie | |
| Matthew P. York | JAMS | New York | +001 212-607-2774 | myork@jamsadr.com | View full profile |
| Duncan Matthews KC | Twenty Essex | London | +44 20 7842 1200 | dmatthews@20essexst.com | |
| Maureen Daly | Pinsent Masons | Dublin | +353 1 553 8682 | maureen.daly@pinsentmasons.com | |
| Padraig McCartan SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 4449 | padraig@mccartan.org | |
| Kieran McCarthy | Gateley Legal Partner Co-Head | London | 0044 20 7653 1647 | KieranJohn.McCarthy@gateleylegal.com | |
| Noel McCarthy | Law Library | Dublin | +353 86 260 9630 | nmccarthy@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Michael McDowell SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 4934 | mmcdowell@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Andrew McGahey | Kennedys | Ireland | +353 (1) 902 7201 | andrew.mcgahey@kennedyslaw.com | |
| Paul McGarry SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 2957 | paul@paulmcgarrysc.com | View full profile
| The Hon Mr Justice Brian McGovern | Honorary Member | Dublin | | BrianMcGovern@courts.ie | |
| Brian McMullin | Brian J McMullin Solicitors | Dublin/Donegal | +353 (0) 71 9851187 | bmcmullin@brianjmcmullin.com | |
| Michael Fealy KC | One Essex Court | London | +44 (0) 7841 981166 | Mfealy@oeclaw.co.uk | |
| Michael Gaffney | KPMG | Dublin | +353 087 744 1549 | Michael.gaffney@kpmg.ie | |
| Michael Judge BL | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 83 8029911 | Michael.judge@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Michael O’Connor | The Law Library | Galway | +353 87 814 9099 | michael@michaeloconnorsc.com | |
| Michael Quinlan | RDJ LLP. | Ireland | +353 1 6054210 | michael.quinlan@rdj.ie | |
| Michael Twomey | DLA Piper Ireland LLP | Ireland | +353 1 487 6684 | Michael.Twomey@dlapiper.com | |
| Andy Moody | Baker McKenzie | London | +44 20 7919 1000 | andy.moody@bakermckenzie.com | |
| Sara Moorhead SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 4950 | smoorhead@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Michael M. Moran | Michael M. Moran Solicitor | Dublin | +353 0 1 902 3675 | michael@mmmlegalservices.com | |
| Eoin Ó Muimhneacháin | Phillips Lytle LLP | New York | +001 716 504 5756 | EMoynihan@phillipslytle.com | |
| Judith Mulholland | Baker McKenzie | London | +44 207 919 1341 | Judith.Mulholland@Bakermckenzie.com | |
| Michael Murphy | Holmes O'Malley Sexton | Dublin/Limerick | +353 61 445551 | Michael.Murphy@homs.ie | |
| Sarah Murphy | A&L Goodbody | Dublin | +353 1 649 2451 | semurphy@algoodbody.com | |
| Frank Murphy | Frank Murphy Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 283 5252 +353 87 262 5435 | fmurphy@fmlaw.ie | |
| Alan Murphy | EY | Dublin | +353 1 479 2291 / +353 (0) 86 172 9404 | alan.murphy1@ie.ey.com | |
| Natasha Hausdorff | SIX PUMP COURT | London | +44 20 7797 8400 | natasha.hausdorff@6pumpcourt.co.uk | |
| Neil Cahill | Fieldfisher | Ireland | +353 1 828 0670 | neil.cahill@fieldfisher.com | |
| Nessa Cahill SC | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 202 3812 | | |
| Niamh Cleary | Fountain Court Chambers | London | +44 207 583 3335 | nhc@fountaincourt.co.uk | |
| Niamh Loughran | Beale & Co LLP. | Dublin | +353 (0) 1 536 9614 | n.loughran@beale-law.com | |
| Noel J. Travers SC | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | + 353 1 817 5206 | njtravers@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Colm Ó hOisín SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 5088 | colm@colmohoisinsc.ie | View full profile |
| Fiona O’Beirne | McCann FitzGerald | Dublin | +353-1-607 1311 | fiona.obeirne@mccannfitzgerald.com | |
| Ciarán O’Conluain | A&L Goodbody | Dublin | +353 1 649 2330 | coconluain@algoodbody.com | |
| Tim O’Connor BL | The Law Library | Cork | +353 1 817 5269 | timoconnor@lawlibrary.ie | |
| James O’Donoghue | Bluett & O'Donoghue Architects | Dublin | +353 1 865 6265 | James.Odonoghue@boda.ie | |
| Joe O’Malley | Hayes Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 662 4747 | jomalley@hayes-solicitors.ie | |
| Philip O’Neill | Independent arbitrator | Boston | 001 617 513 6666 | poneillarb@gmail.com | |
| Ronan O’Neill | Addleshaw Goddard (Ireland) LLP | Dublin | +353 1 202 6430 | R.ONeill@aglaw.com | |
| Peggy O’Rourke SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 828 0352 | porourke@lawlibrary.ie | View full profile |
| Mark O’Shaughnessy | ByrneWallace LLP | Dublin | +353 87 056 4414 | MOShaughnessy@byrnewallace.com | |
| Joanne O’Sullivan | Kennedys | Ireland | +353 (1) 902 7202 | joanne.osullivan@kennedyslaw.com | |
| Conor Owens | A&l Goodbody | Dublin | +353 1 649 2084 | cowens@algoodbody.com | |
| Paddy O’Connell | RSM Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 7933275 | poconnell@rsmireland.ie | |
| Pamela O’Neill | Eversheds Sutherland | Dublin | +353 1 6644 241 | pamelaoneill@eversheds-sutherland.ie | |
| Paul Convery | William Fry | Dublin | +353 1 639 5193 | paul.convery@williamfry.com | |
| Paul Sills | Arbitra | London | +44 7 484 893 616 | paul.sills@paulsills.co.nz | |
| Paul Stokes | Mishcon De Reya LLP | London | +44 20 3321 7860 | paul.stokes@mishcon.com | |
| Peter Wright | KPMG | Dublin | + 353 87 050 4441 | peter.p.wright@kpmg.ie | |
| Martin Phelan | Simmons & Simmons | Ireland | +353 1 266 1152 | martin.phelan@simmons-simmons.com | |
| David Phelan | Hayes Solicitors | Dublin | +353 1 662 4747 | dphelan@hayes-solicitors.ie | |
| Sara Phelan SC | Law Library Four Courts | Dublin | +353 87 239 3373 | saraphelan@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Glenn R. George | Bates White Economic Consulting | Washington | +1 202 846 6459 | glenn.george@bateswhite.com | |
| Gavin Ralston | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 1817 5095 | ralston@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Lucy Reed | National University of Singapore | Singapore | +65 6601 5739 | lucy.reed@nus.edu.sg | |
| Klaus Reichert SC | Brick Court Chambers | London | +44 20 7520 9959 | klaus.reichert@brickcourt.co.uk | |
| Louise Reilly BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 212 2055 | louisejreilly@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Sarah E Reynolds | Goldman Ismail Tomaselli Brennan & Baum LLP | USA | +1 773 474 8076 | sreynolds@goldmanismail.com | View full profile |
| David Risbridger | Simmons & Simmons | Dubai | +971 4 7096 649 | david.risbridger@simmons-simmons.com | |
| Risteard de Paor | | Madrid | +34 6937 03903 | ristearddepaor@gmail.com | |
| Robert J. MacPherson | Cokinos Law | USA | +001 908 489 3518 | RMacPherson@CokinosLaw.com | |
| Robin McDonnell | Maples Group | Dublin | +353 1 619 2726 | Robin.McDonnell@maples.com | |
| James Roche | Fieldfisher LLP | Dublin | +353 1 82 80 995 | James.Roche@fieldfisher.com | |
| Ronan Geary | RDJ LLP. | Ireland | +353 21 4802753 | ronan.geary@rdj.ie | |
| Ronan McGoldrick | Ogier | Dublin | +353 1 632 3116 | Ronan.McGoldrick@ogier.com | |
| Rowena McCormack | DAC Beachcroft Dublin | Dublin | +353 (0)1 231 9628 | rmccormack@dacbeachcroft.com | |
| Ruadhán Kenny | Matheson | Dublin | +353 1 232 2411 | ruadhan.kenny@matheson.com | |
| Sam Saarsteiner | ClarkHill | Dublin | +353 1 661 3960 | ssaarsteiner@clarkhill.com | |
| Sarah Conroy | Beale & Co LLP. | Dublin | +353 (0) 1 536 9613 | s.conroy@beale-law.com | |
| Matthew Scully | Clifford Chance | London | 0044 207 006 1468 | matthew.scully@cliffordchance.com | |
| Sean Carr | McCann FitzGerald LLP | Dublin | +353 (0)1 611 9145 | sean.carr@mccannfitzgerald.com | |
| Shane Daly | Bredin Pratt | Paris | +33 1 44 35 35 35 | ShaneDALY@bredinprat.com | |
| Shane McCarthy | KPMG | Dublin | +353 1 700 4155 / +353 87 050 4155 | shane.mccarthy@kpmg.ie | |
| Rachel Shanley | Addleshaw Goddard (Ireland) LLP | Dublin | +353 1 202 6556 | R.Shanley@aglaw.com | |
| Audley Sheppard KC | Twenty Essex | London | +44 20 7842 1200 | asheppard@twentyessex.com | |
| Karl Shirran BL | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 85 171 0514 | karl.shirran@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Simon Rattigan | RSM Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 4362909 | Simon.Rattigan@rsmireland.ie | |
| Simon Sloane | Fieldfisher | London | +44 330 460 6678 | simon.sloane@fieldfisher.com | |
| Fedelma C. Smith | | Europaplatz 2/1/2, 1150 Vienna, Austria | | fedelmasmith@fedelma.com | View full profile |
| Cathy Smith | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 87 281 2070 | csmith@lawlibrary.ie | |
| Paul Sreenan SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 872 8099 | sreenan@pslaw.ie | |
| Gareth Steen | Dentons | Dublin | 01 582 8115 / 087 447 6158 | gareth.steen@dentons.com | |
| Neil Steen | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 817 5576 | office@neilsteen.ie | |
| Stephen O’Connor | Ogier | Dublin | +353 1 232 1074 | Stephen.OConnor@ogier.com | |
| Ercus Stewart SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 87 2550979 | estewart@lawlibrary.ie | |
| David Strahan | Kennedys | Dublin | +353 (1) 802 7206 | david.strahan@kennedyslaw.com | |
| Ian Talbot | Chambers Ireland | Dublin | +353 1 400 4300 | ian.talbot@chambers.ie | |
| Tara Cosgrove | Beale & Co LLP. | Dublin | +353 (0) 1 536 9610 | t.cosgrove@beale-law.com | |
| Tara Sallar | The Legal Stop | London | +44 (0) 743 213 2390 | tara@tarasallar.com | |
| Patrick Taylor | Debevoise & Plimpton | London | +44 20 7786 9033 | ptaylor@debevoise.com | |
| Thomas Joseph Kelly | | Northern Ireland | +44 75 87057197 | joe.kelly.ae@gmail.com | |
| Úna Tighe SC | The Law Library | Dublin | +353 1 889 7976 | una.tighe@lawlibrary.ie | View full profile
| Timothy Gardiner | FTI Consulting | London | +44 77 2009 4179 | timothy.gardiner@fticonsulting.com | |
| Joe Tirado | Garrigues | London | +44 20 7796 1940 | joe.tirado@garrigues.com | |
| Tom Robinson | RSM Ireland | Dublin | +353 86 2418967 | trobinson@rsmireland.ie | |
| John Trainor | The Bar of Ireland | Dublin | +353 1 873 2522 | john@jtrainorsc.ie | |
| Pierre Yves Tschanz | Tavernier Tschanz | Geneva | +41 22 500 1456 | tschanz@tschanzarbitration.com | |
| Andrew Tuite | Kolmar Group AG | Switzerland | +0041787151015 | a.tuite@kolmargroup.com | |
| Tomasz Wardyński | Wardyński & Partners | Warsaw | +48 22 437 82 00 | tomasz.wardynski@wardynski.com.pl | |
| Janet Whittaker | Clifford Chance | Washington | +1 (202) 912-5444 | janet.whittaker@cliffordchance.com | |
| David Wileman | Diales Expert Witness services (Delay) | Teesside | +44 (0)1740 665 466 | david.wileman@diales.com | |
| William Greensmyth | Walkers | Dublin | +353 1 470 6679 | William.Greensmyth@Walkersglobal.com | |
| Peter Woods | Arthur Cox | Dublin | +353 1 920 1659 | peter.woods@arthurcox.com | |
| Gavin Woods | DLA Piper Ireland LLP | Dublin | +353 1 487 6654 | Gavin.Woods@dlapiper.com | |
| Zara West | Pinsent Masons | Dublin | +353 1 553 8663 | zara.west@pinsentmasons.com | |