Mr. Justice David Barniville, President of the High Court is also the designated arbitration Judge under the Arbitration Act 2010.
Below are a series of Judgments of Mr. Justice David Barniville relating to arbitration proceedings. The Judgments below deal with a number of issues which may arise in arbitration proceedings.
Mr. Justice David Barniville Judgments
1. Ryan & anor v. Kevin O’Leary (Clonmel) Ltd. & anor
[2018] IEHC 660
2. K & J Townmore Construction Limited v. Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
[2018] IEHC 770
3. Ocean Point Development Company Ltd. (in receivership) v. Patterson Bannon Architects Ltd & ors
[2019] IEHC 311
4. K & J Townmore Construction ltd. v. Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
[2019] IEHC 666
5. XPL Engineering ltd. v. K & J Townmore Construction ltd. [2019] IEHC 665
6. Bowen Construction Ltd (In Receivership) & anor v. Kelly’s of Fantane ( Concrete) Ltd (In Receivership)
[2019] IEHC 861
7. Narooma v. HSE
[2020] IEHC 315
8. Charwin v. Zavarovalnica
[2021] IEHC 489
9. Principal Contractors v Carter
[2023] No. 163 MCA
10. Michael Flatley v Hiscox & Ors
[2023] IEHC 359
11. VTG Entreprenad AB v Mainline Power Ltd
[2024] 280 MCA
1. Nordic Aviation DAC v. The Companies Act (Barniville J.)
2. Trafalgar v. Mazepin [2019] IEHC 610 (Barniville J.)
3. Merck Sharp and Dohme v. Clonmel Healthcare [2019] IEHC 840 (McDonald J.)
4. Gilead Sciences v. Teva Pharmaceuticals [2019] IEHC 683 (McDonald J.)