The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration has been fully incorporated into Irish law. This is the model set out by the UN and is followed by many nations across the globe, making it familiar to all arbitration specialists.
Ireland is a signatory to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, which means parties to a dispute can rest assured that awards granted in Dublin will be directly enforceable and have reciprocal recognition in other states.
Ireland is a neutral country which trades globally, where the first language is that of global business – English. By choosing an English-speaking country for arbitration, many companies will be carrying out the arbitration in the language in which they do business.
Dublin International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) is a purpose-built facility. In the heart of Dublin’s legal district, it’s close to the city centre and features all the ancillary services a dispute may require, such as stenography, translation, and video conferencing.
Ireland operates a common law system, similar to the US and the UK, which is often favoured to govern business contracts. This type of legal system is where judgements themselves become law and lower courts must follow the decisions of higher ones.

The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration has been fully incorporated into Irish law. This is the model set out by the UN and is followed by many nations across the globe, making it familiar to all arbitration specialists.

Ireland is a signatory to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, which means parties to a dispute can rest assured that awards granted in Dublin will be directly enforceable and have reciprocal recognition in other states.

Ireland is a neutral country which trades globally, where the first language is that of global business – English. By choosing an English-speaking country for arbitration, many companies will be carrying out the arbitration in the language in which they do business.

Dublin International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) is a purpose-built facility. In the heart of Dublin’s legal district, it’s close to the city centre and features all the ancillary services a dispute may require, such as stenography, translation, and video conferencing.

Ireland operates a common law system, similar to the US and the UK, which is often favoured to govern business contracts. This type of legal system is where judgements themselves become law and lower courts must follow the decisions of higher ones.