Ed Lenci litigates and arbitrates business disputes, defends businesses sued in class action lawsuits, and is Chair of the Reinsurance Section of his firm’s global Insurance Services Practice Group.
In his fourth decade of practice in New York City, Edward (Ed) Lenci concentrates on the litigation and arbitration of international and domestic business disputes, especially those involving insurance, reinsurance, and financial services, and the defense of businesses sued in class action lawsuits. Ed is chair of the Reinsurance Section of his firm’s global Insurance Services Practice Group and a member of Arbitration Ireland’s International Advisory Board.
Ed is also a FINRA-certified and ARIAS-U.S.-certified arbitrator with a focus on disputes involving insurance, reinsurance, and financial services He has considerable appellate experience, including a number of appellate victories involving arbitration and a defense victory in the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court upheld, for the first time, a class action waiver in the arbitral provisions of a student loan.
Based on his extensive experience with domestic and international arbitration, including as an arbitrator, Ed drafts arbitral provisions tailored to each client’s unique needs and has co-authored the ARIAS-U.S. International Arbitration Form.
Ed is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and Co-Chair of ARIAS-U.S.’s International Committee. He served three terms (2017-19) on the editorial advisory board of Law360 International Arbitration and was a charter member of the editorial board of Reinsurance & Arbitration. Ed was Chair of the New York State Bar Association’s International Section until June 1, 2021, and led the International Section’s promotion of Ireland for Law.
Forbes, American Banker, Law360, and the New York Law Journal are among the publications that have quoted Ed about a range of topics, such as international arbitration, class actions and class action waivers, reinsurance disputes, Brexit, sovereign immunity, the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and diversity, equity, and inclusion in ADR. He has spoken around the world and written on the same topics and was interviewed in 2017 on RTÉ about legal opportunities in Ireland after Brexit.
Ed graduated, with honors, from Columbia University School of Law in 1990.